Sample Questions

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Question 1:

Choose the correct verb to fill the gap.

By the end of the year, she _______ with a degree in business.

  1. already graduates
  2. already graduated
  3. will have already graduated
  4. has already graduated

Question 2:

Choose the synonym for the following word Hallowed

  1. Sacred
  2. Old
  3. Inactive
  4. Effective

Question 3:

As _______ cuts it as well as he does, I always have my hair cut at Johnson's.

  1. anyone
  2. someone else’s
  3. no one else
  4. everyone

Question 4:

Mohit _______ his century before it is the end of the match.

  1. will score
  2. will have scored
  3. has scored
  4. scores

Question 5:

W Which word is a adverb in this sentence?

There are no interesting programmes tonight.

  1. interesting
  2. programmes
  3. there
  4. tonight

Question 1

Which one of the following molecules has the smallest bond angle?

  1. NH3
  2. H2Se
  3. H2S
  4. PH3

Question 2

The addition of arsenic to germanium makes the latter a:-

  1. Extrinsic semiconductor
  2. Metallic conductor
  3. Intrinsic semiconductor
  4. Mixed conductor

Question 3

For an ideal binary liquid solution with p°A > p°B, which of the following relations between xA (mole fraction of A in liquid phase) and yA (mole fraction of A in vapor phase) is correctly represented?

  1. xA > yA
  2. xA = yA
  3. xA < yA
  4. xA and yA cannot be correlated with each other

Question 4

In the reaction, 3Cl2+ 6NaOH → NaClO3 + 5NaCl +3H2O The element which loses as well as gains electrons is:-

  1. CL
  2. Na
  3. O
  4. None of the above

Question 5

An element has three elements in the 4th shell, the atomic number of the elements is:-

  1. 27
  2. 21
  3. 13
  4. 31

Question 1

The photoelectric effect was discovered by:-

  1. Einstein
  2. Hertz
  3. Millikan
  4. Halwachs

Question 2

An electron, a proton and a deutron and an α-particle have same linear momenta. Which one of them possesses least kinetic energy?

  1. Electron
  2. Deutron
  3. α-particle
  4. Proton

Question 3

Three equal masses P, Q and R pulled with a constant force F. They are connected to each other with strings. The ratio of the tension between PQ and QR is:-

  1. 2:1
  2. 1:2
  3. 3:1
  4. 1:1

Question 4

To avoid slipping while walking on ice one should take larger steps because of the:-

  1. Larger normal reaction
  2. Smaller normal reaction
  3. Smaller friction
  4. Larger friction

Question 5

If the Earth shrinks in its radius by 4%, mass remaining the same, the value of ’g’ on its surface:-

  1. Remains constant
  2. Decreases by about 8%
  3. Increases by about 8%
  4. Decreases by about 4%

Question 1

If a, b, c are in A.P. and p, p' are the A.M. and G.M. respectively between a and b while q,q' are the A.M. and G.M. respectively between b and c, then:-

  1. pq = p' q'
  2. p2 + q2 = p'2 + q'2
  3. p2 - q2 = p'2 - q'2
  4. None of the above

Question 2

  1. 288
  2. 5! . 4!
  3. 4! . 4!
  4. 0

Question 3

The chance of throwing a total of 3 or 5 or 11 with two dice is:

  1. 5/36
  2. 1/9
  3. 2/9
  4. 19/36

Question 4

The distance of the point (x, y ) from x-axis is:-

  1. |x|
  2. y
  3. x
  4. |y|

Question 5

The mean of 50 observations is 36. If two observations 30 and 42 are deleted, then the mean of the remaining observations is:-

  1. 36
  2. 48
  3. 38
  4. None of the above

Question 1

Seeds swell when placed in water due to:-

  1. Transpiration
  2. Imbibition
  3. Hydrolysis
  4. Osmosis

Question 2

Which of the following combinations is correct?

  1. Lipase - Ester bond
  2. Protease - Phosphodiester bond
  3. Nucleases - Glycosidic Bond
  4. Amylase - Peptide bond

Question 3

Proteins embedded in the cell membrane function to:-

  1. Produce energy for the cell
  2. Transport materials in and out of the cell
  3. Carry genetic information
  4. Store excess water

Question 4

Which of the following is not a STOP codon?

  1. Opal
  2. Amber
  3. Ochre
  4. Gyro

Question 5

Who is known as the father of modern bee science?

  1. Huber
  2. Fahian
  3. Whenson
  4. Kurian

Question 1

Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of:

  1. Autumn season
  2. Zaid season
  3. Spring season
  4. Rainy season

Question 2

Which of the following is TPS variety of Potato?

  1. JH 222
  2. Chipsona-II
  3. Anand
  4. HPS-1/113

Question 3

Bending of tomato plants towards light is called—

  1. Phototropism
  2. Vernalisation
  3. Photo-respiration
  4. None of these

Question 4

Seed-plot technique is adopted in—

  1. Onion
  2. Potato
  3. Sugarcane
  4. Tomato

Question 5

IARI released 11 new varieties of HYV crops. Which one is variety of marigold?

  1. Pusa Raunak
  2. Pusa Madhurima
  3. Pusa Bahar
  4. All of these

Question 1

Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are

  1. Short duration crops
  2. Long duration crops
  3. Diseases resistant crops
  4. Moisture stress resistant crops

Question 2

Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil form

  1. Roots
  2. Stems
  3. tubers
  4. Fruit

Question 3

Pedology considers soil as a

  1. Natural body
  2. Purely a synthesized one
  3. Medium for plant growth
  4. Powdered rock mass of the earth crust

Question 4

The strongest chemical agent for breaking dormancy is

  1. Potassium nitrate
  2. Gibberellins
  3. Ethylene
  4. Cumerin

Question 5

The rice variety containing “Dee-geo-woo-gen” is

  1. Indrasan
  2. Basmati
  3. Tilak
  4. IR-8