Sample Paper for LPUNEST (B.Tech.)

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Question 1:

Equivalent conductance of 1M CH3COOH is 10 ohm-1 cm2 equiv-1 and that at infinite dilution is 200 ohm-1 cm2 equiv-1. Hence the % ionization of CH3COOH is_____________________________

Question 2:

The vapour pressure of a pure solvent at 50oC is 400mm. If 0.2 mole of a non volatile solute is added to 1 mole of the solvent the vapour pressure of that solution at 50oC is nearly

  1. 400mm
  2. 200mm
  3. 300mm
  4. 333mm

Question 3:

What is the degree of hardness of a sample of water containing 24mg of MgSO4 (molecular mass 120) per kg of water?

  1. 10ppm
  2. 15ppm
  3. 25ppm
  4. 20ppm

Question 4:

Chemical (X) is used for removal of temporary hardness of water. (X) reacts with Na2CO3 to produce caustic soda. When CO2 is bubbled through (X), it turns cloudy. What is the chemical formula of (X)?

  1. Ca(OH)2
  2. CaO
  3. CaCO3
  4. Ca(HCO3)2

Question 5:

The heat of combustion of carbon and carbon monoxide are -393.5 and -283.5 kJ mol-1, respectively. The heat of formation (in kJ) of carbon monoxide per mole is___________________________________

  1. 676.5
  2. -676.5
  3. -110.5
  4. 110.5

Question 1:

A solid sphere and a solid cylinder of same mass are rolled down on two inclined planes of heights h1 & h2. If at the bottom of the plane of two objects have same linear velocities, then ratio of h1 to h2 is

  1. 2:3
  2. 7:5
  3. 14:15
  4. 15:14

Question 2:

The initial velocity of a particle is u [at t=0] and the acceleration ƒ is given by αt. Which of the following relation is valid?

  1. v= u+at2
  2. v= u+at2/2
  3. v= u+at
  4. v= u

Question 3:

At which temperature, the centigrade and Fahrenheit scales are equal?

  1. 40o
  2. -40o
  3. 37o
  4. -80o

Question 4:

The rms velocity of H2 molecules at 27oC is 1930 m/s. The rms velocity of O2 molecules at 1200K will be______________________________________.

Question 5:

An AC series circuit contains 4Ω resistance and 3Ω inductive reactance. What is the impedance of the circuit?

  1. 7/√2 Ω

Question 1:

The algebraic expression x2 + √5x + 9 is a

  1. Polynomial
  2. Not a Polynomial
  3. Integer
  4. None of these

Question 2:

The shadow of a tree 6m high is 2√3m. The angle of elevation of the sun will be

  1. 60o
  2. 30o
  3. 75o
  4. None of these

Question 3:

Volume of the sphere whose radius is 1cm is

  1. 1 cm3
  2. 8.8 cm3
  3. 14.4 cm3
  4. None of these

Question 4:

A coin is tossed once what is the probability of getting tail

  1. 1/2
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. None of these

Question 5:

The 12th term of A.P. 5, 8, 11,…… is_____________________________

Question 1:

Conversion of glucose to lactate takes place in

  1. Aerobic condition
  2. Anaerobic condition
  3. Both Aerobic condition and Anaerobic condition
  4. None of these

Question 2:

In respiration the energy not captured by ATP is converted to

  1. Transferred to water
  2. Converted to heat
  3. Released with CO2
  4. Transferred to organic molecules

Question 3:

The phenomena which cools the surface of leaves is

  1. Guttation
  2. Translocation
  3. Transamination
  4. Transpiration

Question 4:

The only movable bone in the skull is

  1. Maxilla
  2. Frontoparietal
  3. Mandible
  4. Nasal

Question 5:

Which of these pests attack mustard?

  1. Pod borer
  2. Aphids
  3. White grub
  4. Pyrilla

Question 1:

What is the synonym of Adversity?

  1. Failure
  2. Misfortune
  3. Helplessness
  4. Crisis

Question 2:

Find the correct spelling.

  1. Pugnacios
  2. Pugnacious
  3. Pagnacous
  4. Pugnashous

Question 3:

Choose the correct answer. Your dreams________________________ if you try.

  1. Accomplishes
  2. will be accomplished
  3. is accomplishing
  4. has accomplished

Question 4:

Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word provided? “educe”

  1. demand
  2. elicit
  3. ideal
  4. unlawful

Question 5:

Choose one word for the following statement:

Government of the people, by the people and for the people

  1. Democracy
  2. Autocracy
  3. Socialism
  4. Anarchy